
It is my debut English novel based on existentialism. Salil loves a shadow which into many characters reveals secrets of life. Aalya his neighbor is doing research in English literature. Her guide Seema is a childless lesbian. Paul, husband of Seema is a drama director, I am the protagonist, who coins philosophies for day to day events and my wife Sulekha is the second protagonist who makes coincidences happen with her artful manipulations. Read to learn what happens when....

Friday, June 28, 2013

Unconditional Love...

Another beauty of my unconditioned mind is its being capable of unconditional love. My love has no boundaries, it is endless.  This endlessness is not infinity. I have already explained that to take care is no proof of love. Doing things that make others happy without expecting a reward is also not love. I take care of a lot of people and make lots of people happy without an expectation does not mean I love all of them. I am capable of unconditional love also does not mean I love everyone unconditionally. One has to draw boundaries to make them feel special to whom we love.