
It is my debut English novel based on existentialism. Salil loves a shadow which into many characters reveals secrets of life. Aalya his neighbor is doing research in English literature. Her guide Seema is a childless lesbian. Paul, husband of Seema is a drama director, I am the protagonist, who coins philosophies for day to day events and my wife Sulekha is the second protagonist who makes coincidences happen with her artful manipulations. Read to learn what happens when....

Monday, July 1, 2013

Meaning of Life

Initially when I was searching the meaning of life, I thought it could be reason for life. A seed has reason for life, to grow become a tree, give shade, give fruits, be used as medicine, produce oxygen, sustain life, produce many of own kind and look beautiful . There is a reason of its being. There was no such reason in my being, but it has some meaning. That meaning could be inherent but exploration is required. I did explore, made mistakes, and corrected them. In the end I was stuck in the vacuum and unless I cross it no further exploration was possible.
                                                                                                              From: Tall Man Small Shadow